Wednesday, January 4, 2012

They never told me about the WIND!!!!

When we moved to Iowa in August, I never expected to be able to take my plane for a joy ride on Christmas Day.  I fully expected to have the hanger door blocked by at least four feet of snow by Christmas.  But, according to everyone around here this is a very unusual winter thus far.

December 25th, 2011, Beth and I rolled N1537J out of the hanger and took off into beautiful blue skies.  As you can tell from the picture, the wind was blowing pretty good.  Fourteen knots, gusting to eighteen, from 310 degrees.  Lucky for us Marshalltown has a runway 31 !!!

One good thing about the wind...  You can use it to make electricity!  I guess I should have known that when you move somewhere with wind farms, there is going to be a lot of wind...  Duh!

The wind farm south of Marshalltown was really working on Christmas. 

We have had a few "calm" days since then, but most every day is at the very least "breezy" here.  Last weekend we had winds of twentyfive knots gusting to forty!!!  Needless to say, N1537J stayed in the hanger.

We look forward to a lot more flying this winter.

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