Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Aerobatics over Tybee Island

The weather was crappy... But the beach was packed. As you can tell from the video the horizon was pretty hard to pick out, but Denis is a pro and made the whole routine look...Well... routine!

I was just the "guy in the back" on this trip, but it was great!

The only thing that was a little weird was during the Split "S" maneuver, we pulled just over 5 "G"s on the pull out, and I experienced a partial "gray-out" for a couple of seconds. It wasn't a violent maneuver, and it was surprising how it can slip up on you. I'll remember that when I start my aerobatics training.

1 comment:

Beth said...

Baby, I'm so happy that you got to be a part of the "Pie in the Sky" trip over Tybee!