Tuesday, September 29, 2009

We are going to give this a try...

I went out to the airport during my lunch hour today and watched N1537J taxi out and take off with out me in it... That was a first for me.

Beginning September 25th N1537J was on lease back to Coastal Flight Training here in Savannah. The owners Denis and Sam (Samantha) are really nice folks and I believe that we will have a really good working relationship.

According to my calculations, if the plane rents for about 10 hours a month we won't have to pay anything to keep the plane... At that rate it will pay it's own insurance, tie down fees and maintenance. However, we didn't sign the leaseback agreement for a plane to limp along at 10 hours per month. We need four times that in order to pay for the engine overhaul that is coming in about 600-800 hours from now.

If this week is any indication then we won't have any problem making enough to pay for the overhaul in a few months. From September 25th to September 30th it is scheduled to rent for 45 hours!!!!! I'd be satisfied with 100 hours a month.

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