Tuesday, February 7, 2012

This week I had a couple of guys in my class who had never flown in a small plane.  So, of course, I had to give them a ride around the Marshalltown area.

This young man is an electrical/instrumentation engineer for an oil company in Nigeria.  He enjoyed my explanation about how the controls work on an airplane... "When you push here the houses get bigger, and when you pull the houses get smaller..."  He understood pretty well.  When we were climbing out from the airport I let him have the controls and he did a pretty good job of keeping the sunny side up.  LOL

Even though it was this guys first time in a small plane, he was completely uneffected.  I'm sure he is ready to go again.

The weather didn't cooperate as much as I wish it would have...  It was pretty hazy, and within about 15 minutes, we had to beat it back to the airport to beat the evening fog, as it rolled in.